Completed Quests
All of these quests have been completed, are no longer available, or the group decided not to do.
Yester Hill
Prevent the RitualFind a way up the hillPrevent the Ritual from happening or destroy whatever the ritual producesRetrieve the Green Gem
Wizard of Wines
Blue Water Inn
The Missing Vistani GirlFind clues where Arabelle might beQuestion children at orphanage about ArabelleGo to Bluto’s home to look for cluesRescue Arabelle from Drowning after Bluto throws her in his boat.
St. Andral’s Church
Recover the Bones of St. AndralQuestion anyone who might have a connection or who seems involved with the missing bones.Discover who is involved with the missing bones.- Recover the bones
- Reconsecrate the church by laying the bones back into their spot under the church.
St. Andral’s Orphanage
- Mysterious Deaths and Dreams at the Orphanage
- Discover why the children are having nightmares
- Remove Izek Strazni
Support Fiona to be the new Burgomaster of Vallaki
The Windmill
The Deed to the WindmillDiscover where the Windmill is located
Pies, Glorious PiesQuestion the old women who run the windmillDiscover their secretPut an end to the Hags
Little Orphans ThreeSave the orphans from the WindmillFind a location where they can be safe in VallakiTake children to St. Andral’s Orphanage to be cared for by Headmistress Claudia Belasco
Tser Pool Encampmnent
A Nameday Gift for Arabelle
Village of Barovia
Burgomaster’s Mansion
Help Ismark and Ireena Bury their father.Get Ireena to SafetyEscort and Protect Ireena to the town of VallakiFind somewhere where Ireena feels safe enough to stay
Church of Barovia
Help Father Donavich with his son Doru- Save Doru
Rid the plague that is Doru from Father Donavich
Bildrath’s Mercantile
Retrieve a bundle for Bildrath.
Blood of the Vine Tavern
Help the Vistani Sisters with a problem customer
Durst Manor
Help Rose and Thorn find their ParentsDiscover what happened to Gustav Durst (their father)Discover what happened to Elisabeth Durst (their mother)
Find a place for the dog Lancelot- Sacrifice the dog on the alter
Look for the owner / return home
Lay the Durst Family to Rest in their TombsLay Rose’s bones to rest- Put Rose’s Diary in her Tomb
Lay Thorn’s bones to restPut Thorn’s Teddy Bear in his Tomb
Lay Gastov Durst’s Bones to restLay Elisabeth Durst’s Bones to restLay Margaret the Nursemaid’s bones to rest
End the Curse on Durst ManorFree Baby Walter from Flesh MoundBury Baby Walter under the threshold of the house
Introduction Quests
Meet Stanimir and share a story or a tale.Listen to Stanimir’s story of their cursed princeCamp with the VistaniFind out where Madam Eva isTravel to the Tser Pool Encampment and talk with Madam Eva about dreams