Shaken by the tale they heard from the specter Kavan, our heroes contemplate an attack of nightfall. Syrren provides the cover of a magical spell so they can pass undetected to the place where the Faithless plan to perform the deadly ritual. They spend several minutes debating their opportunity to launch an immediate strike. The group seems unable to come to a consensus around the best course of action. A frustrated Syrren takes a seat on a rock. Aydin attempts to speak with his fellow Barbarian’s ghost. “I can’t help but think that you are here to provide us with aide. From one Barbarian to another, is there any advice you can provide so that I might protect my companions.”
Kavan cautions Aydin to be very careful, paying close attention to a powerful enemy with large numbers. Aydin continues to probe Kavan to find out what lies ahead for them. Kavan confirms that the group must stop the ritual before they can complete the trials.

In the meantime, Tilly grabs her Potion of Clairvoyance, planning to make the two-mile trek up the mountain to scout the patrols. Her companions, Aydin and Thaldir object to splitting up the party at such a perilous time, and they all set off together. As an added layer of protection, Term casts a spell that makes her invisible for the next hour.

As they traverse the rugged terrain of the mountain, they hear a group approaching. The group takes cover in some nearby bushes as what appears to be a druid’s protection detail passes. The druid is flanked on either side by two large berserkers. As two more berserkers approach and move in the direction of our heroes, Tilly creates a large diversion, sending the berserkers away from her friends.
Syrren, Term, Aydin, Thaldir, Jaylin, and Izek advance quickly and join Tilly. They reach the top of the mountain in time to see lightning strike the edge of a ring of black boulders and smaller rocks. The collection of rocks form a makeshift wall around a field of dead grass. As it strikes, the lightning casts a bright light on a fifty-foot statue of twigs, woven together and packed with earth. The ominous statue resembles a towering, cloaked man with fangs.

With her heightened senses, Tilly is able to see fifty or more druids. She also sees the powerful green gem encircled at the base of the statue. Her second sight gives her a chilling glimpse at something else near the base of the statue: a person, bleeding from a wound. She focuses in on her hearing to pick up the whispers from the crowd. People from those gathered speak of the ancient one destroying the winery in order to , contingents of druids planning other attacks, the excitement
After several minutes, they come up with a courageously foolish plan for retrieving the stolen gem. First, they stealthily make their way to the ritual location, where the guards keep watch over the entrance to the sacred space. Syrren quietly summons a few thorny twig blights to challenge the berserkers. Throwing caution to the wind, the rest of the crew begins a shock-and-awe attack against the guard. Aydin deals massive damage to one of the guards, while the other berserkers are busy fending off Syrren’s twig blights. Term punches the guard, landing blow after blow and leaving him reeling.
The team is armed and more than ready to dispatch the rest of the berserker. Aydin, Thahldir, and Izek continue to attack their foes, while their colleagues continue in the shadows. Once the berserker at the entrance of the stones has been killed, the twig blights continue to give enough of a distraction for Jaylin and Tilly to move inside the circle. Term soon joins them in the circle, and they prepare to deal with the statue and retrieve the precious gem.
As Jaylin gets within range of the druids surrounding the dark statue, he launches his most devastating weapon. His deadly fireball obliterates several of the druids, and they fall dead. He severely wounds other blights, and Thaldir rushes to his side as vanguard. During the battle, a single crow cries out a warning. Tilly looks up to see her beloved Uncle Mortimer circling the entrance to the stone ring. He follows the sound of her familiar crow-like reply, and she reaches out to swiftly tuck him in her vest when he comes near. Morimer is agitated, so she looks for Syrren to have a word with him. Syrren is too far away, and there are lives and immense power at stake. Despite his restlessness, she knows the conversation will have to wait.

To vanquish the final two berserkers, Syrren summons a sleuth of bears to join the fight. The berserkers make quick work of three of the bears, but these distractions continue to provide cover for the team to secure the gem.
In the midst of combat, the total party pauses for a split second to, again, watch Jaylin wield his might. The fireball rattles the looming statue and destroys another of their enemies. Tilly smiles and looks on admiringly at her former paramour. “Perhaps today is a day for rekindling old fires,” she muses.
As Aydin chops off the head of the last berserker with a single swing of his greatsword, Term makes a mad dash to the statue. He swiftly passes two druids who are nearby, but each manages to strike him with a heavy staff. He winces as he sprints the rest of the way and vaults up one side of the statue. He tries with all of his might to free the gem from its prison of twigs and dirt, but, to no avail. Tilly, seeing him struggle to free the gem, moves closer to his position to lend a hand.
- What will become of Term as he struggles against the fanged statue?
- Will more druids be alerted to the melee and come running?
- Will Jaylin and Tilly be sharing a room in the Tiny Hut, once the battle is over?
Tune in tomorrow for Part II of the battle on Yester Hill. The Wicker Man waits, and the Ancient One kneels before the Devil Strahd.